Media in the Cloud - The Reality of Current Cloud Technical Challenges – Part Deux!
Date & Time
Sunday, November 7, 2021, 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Christopher Lennon - Ross Video Ltd.
Ievgen Kostiukevych - European Broadcasting Union
Greg Shay - Telos Alliance
David Travis - Sky
Subha Dhesikan - Cisco Systems
Ievgen Kostiukevych - European Broadcasting Union
Greg Shay - Telos Alliance
David Travis - Sky
Subha Dhesikan - Cisco Systems

The Reality of Current Cloud Technical Challenges – Part Deux!
Speakers: Chris Lennon, Ievgen Kostiukevych , Greg Shay , David Travis and Subha Dhesikan
- Back by popular demand, we have reunited the SMPTE+ Panel we assembled in August to give us a dose of reality when it comes to technical challenges faced by those moving to “the cloud” and everything that implies. Hear from those on the front lines on what they have faced and what you should be considering when it comes to this timely topic.
The New Paradigm of Software Architected Broadcast Facilities: